During Q4, Atlantic Sapphire harvested more in Denmark than in Florida

Aslak Berge

In late September, Atlantic Sapphire had a harvest guidance of 1,000 tonnes of salmon in 2020. They didn’t come close to that.

In a trading update from the land-based salmon farmer, the company writes that it only harvested 166 tonnes at the giant facility in Florida during the last three months of 2020. In comparison, the company harvested 341 tonnes at the plant in Hvide Sande, Denmark.

This means that Atlantic Sapphire took out more fish during the emergency harvest that was carried out at the end of July than in Q4. At the time, approximately 400 tonnes of fish were harvested, of which 150 tonnes were planned to be sold.

The company further stated that it has achieved a low price performance due to a low superior share. Turnover per-kilo of fish was USD 9.4 and DKK 33.1 (EUR 4.4) for the sites in Florida and Denmark respectively.

The company has also chosen to postpone harvest, from the fourth quarter of 2020 to the first quarter of 2021. The reason is that the company has decided to “postpone harvest due to delayed start-up of filleting facility and to reach steady state production earlier”.

Atlantic Sapphire reported a net biomass gain of 2,100 tonnes of salmon at the two sites during the quarter.

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