Dust confirmed as cause of Cargill factory explosion

editorial staff

Police are currently investigating the explosion at the fish feed factory.

Tuesday evening an explosion occurred in a silo at Cargill’s feed factory at Halsa, Northern Norway.

“At the moment I’m unable to say anything more than there has been an explosion. It hasn’t caused any significant damage, and we are currently investigating what actually happened,” Plant Manager Herulf Olsen told Avisa Nordland.

According to Olsen, all is under control and the likely cause of the explosion was dust.

“We don’t have a full overview of the damage as yet, but we see quite a few sheets of corrugated iron have buckled,” he said.

Staff on the evening shift were working in the factory when the explosion occurred.

“Everyone was well away from the explosion,” said Olsen.

Police attended the scene and gathered documentation on the incident, which is now under investigation.

“We can confirm there was a dust explosion and fortunately no one was injured”, Police Superintendent Ivar Bo Nilsson told the newspaper, adding that the incident that had occurred should not have happened.

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