Egersund Net takes controlling stake in Grading Systems

Aslak Berge

Norway-based Egersund Net has agreed to buy 70 percent of the shares in Grading Systems UK. Viking Atlantic owns the remaining stock.

Grading System’s main product is the Flexi-Panel for gentle fish-sorting at sea. The product, called Shetlandsristen in Norwegian, fits neatly into Egersund’s portfolio offering, the company said in a statement Thursday morning.

The Flexi-Panel tool is renown for its gentle fish-handling. The economic gains made for using the tool are significant, and the product is used by customers the world over in the sorting of fish species (and bycatch).

Grading Systems general manager, Carsten Wangsmo, has been central to the patented product’s development. There’s been years of collaboration between Egersund Net and Grading Systems.

“I look forward to being a part of Egersund Net, something that’ll continue to develop the company I’ve built up over many years,” he said.

“It’ll be exciting to work with this product in close cooperation with Carsten,” said Egersund head of sales, Geir Kaare Toennessen, who adds that Egersund will taking over the product’s sale.

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