European smoked salmon market amounts to $4.2 billion

Editorial staff

Since 2007 the smoked salmon market has had an annual growth of + 2 pct., and is according to a new report by IndexBox in constant growth. In 2018 the market amounted to $4.2 billion. 

The report states that the forecast for the smoked salmon industry is to increase moderately, with an anticipated CAGR of +1.5% for the period from 2018 to 2025, which will bring the market volume to 232K tonnes by the end of 2025.

The report by IndexBox has examined the market for European smoked salmon since 2007-2018.

The UK market is extending
Germany is the greatest buyer of smoked salmon in 2018 with a consumption of 40 K tonnes. But nevertheless, the UK market has had the most considerate growth and is today the second-largest market after Germany.

Right after comes France with a consumption of 18 K tonnes annually. The three countries hold a combined 39 pct. of the total consumption in Europe.

Large consumption in Denmark
The countries with the greatest consumption pr. capita was in 2018 the small nordic country Denmark holding a total consumption of 1,303 kg per 1000 persons.

Read also: “Floating processor has made Denmark the largest buyer of Norwegian salmon”

Following the Dannes, the Belgians and the Dutch had a big intake of smoked salmon, with a consumption of 745 kg per 1000 persons in Belgium and 594 kg per 1000 persons in the Netherlands.

Growing production in Poland
Poland has a progressed production market and was in 2018 the country that contributed to the largest volume of smoked salmon (57 K tonnes), contributing with 26 pct. of the total volume in Europe.

The average annual production rate in expansion in Poland was from 2007-2018 +1,5 pct.
The second-largest producer was in 2018 the UK (23 K tonnes) followed by Lithuania(19K tonnes, and has since 2007 had an average annual rate at +8,7 pct.

Exportation of salmon in Europe
110K tonnes of smoked Pacific, Atlantic and Danube salmon were exported in 2018 in Europe, resulting in a rise by 6.2% since 2017. Peak year was however in 2016 with a total exportation of 111 K tonnes of smoked salmon.

Smoked salmon exports in Europe amounted to $2 billion in 2018.

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