Factory vessel a “threat” to coast jobs: CEO

Salmon Business
Bold concept: The Norwegian Gannet under construction at Balenciago Shipyard in Spain. 

Einar Eide, the CEO of salmon farmer and exporter, Bremnes Seashore, sees the hazards in Hav Lines’s new factory and fish transport vessel, key to a new logistics solution involving a distribution hub at Hirtshals, Denmark.

“Our concern here is providing jobs. These boats are obviously a challenge, since the plan is to send significant volume to Denmark. The danger is that some work along the Norwegian coast will be moved out. Norwegian farmed salmon is already an important contributor to jobs in Hirtshals. Jeg want salmon to be an important contributor for Norwegian coastal communities,” Eide told union magazine, NNN-Arbeideren.

The boat he’s referring to is the Sekkingstad Family and Haugland Group’s factory vessel, Norwegian Gannet, which is due for delivery in July 2018.

Asked what Fisheries Minister Per Sandberg ought to do about the idea, Eide said this: “I would have thought he’d be interested in adding value here. Then he would have to contribute to creating a system where we see a more balanced access to fish for the Norwegian distribution industry. Then the need to move activity abroad diminishes. Give us a good framework. That’s Sandberg’s job.”

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Fisheries Minister Sandberg paid a recent visit to Hirtshals, where Hav Lines’ 16,000-square-meter terminal is under construction.

“I would rather have seen these jobs coming to Norway. At the same time, we have to acknowledge that in the event we realize the vision of increased Norwegian salmon production from today’s 1.3 million tonnes to 5 million t in 2050, then it’ll have to run off a little on the Danes,” Sandberg told newspaper Dagens Næringsliv on his Denmark trip.

Bremnes Seashore at Bomlo in Sunnhordaland County employs 365 people. In 2016, the company turned a net profit of NOK 314.6 kroner on revenues of NOK 2.4 billion.

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