Fire destroys US seafood wholesaler’s storage – thousands of dollars worth of fish up in smoke

Braun Seafood Co. supplies scores of restaurants and fish stores with Scottish farmed salmon on East Coast of the United States, as well as other species.

One of Long Island’s most well-known seafood markets is waking up to the consequences to a fire – which ripped through its storage building at 3am on Wednesday night, reports Newsday.

The business – which dates from 1928 – was bought Jim Homan in 1958 from company founder George Braun. Homan kept the name because he believed it signified quality.

Jim Homan’s son Ken Homan who now runs the business told the publication: “This is my entire life. I’m staring at in front of me right now, it’s been a lifetime. We’re going to rebuild this and be back as fast as humanly possible.”

The cause of the fire was not immediately determined; the Suffolk County arson squad is on the scene conducting an investigation, officials said.

Owner Ken Holman and General Manager Keith Reda issued a statement: “The damage was done to an older area of the building. We are resuming business as usual in both Braun’s Grill and Braun’s Fish Market. Wholesale will resume scheduled deliveries tomorrow.”

“Everything is back to normal,” added Jen Lew, who handles marketing for the business. They even have smoked salmon fillets on offer. “We want to keep it light,” she said.

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