Firefighters called after ammonia leak at Chilean processing plant

editorial staff

On Wednesday, Chilean farmer Salmones Caleta Bay issued reported an ammonia leak at its processing plant in the city of Puerto Montt.

According to a release from the company, firefighters and the health authority  – Seremi de Salud – attended the facility on Tuesday morning, and were able to verify that the relevant prevention protocols were applied by the company.

The emergency service workers went on to examine the place where the leak occurred, determining that it was below the levels allowed by the regulations.

Ammonia leaks can be serious public health alarms, and an ammonia pressure explosion is capable of causing grievous injuries, including burns, or be fatal to staff working nearby.

“Firefighters authorised the re-entry of our colleagues to their workplaces, keeping the area where the escape occurred under control,” the the company said.

Salmones Caleta Bay is a Osorno based company, with more than 72 workers.


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