First direct Oslo and Beijing flight route paves way for China salmon exports

Editorial staff

From spring onwards, Hainan Airlines will fly three times a week from Oslo to Beijing.

It’s the first time a direct airplane route from Norway to China has opened up, according to NTB as quoted in E24.

The airline agreement was signed Tuesday in Beijing during a ceremony in connection with a Norwegian state visit in China.

It’s no secret that shipping of fresh seafood, essentially salmon, is an important driver behind the initiative.

“This is important for the Norwegian economy. We are getting more tourists to Norway and more seafood out in the world,” said Oslo Airport director, Øyvind Hasaas, to NTB.

According to SalmonBusiness, Hainan Airlines started direct flights from Edinburgh in June.

“Of course we also work with the Nordic airlines, SAS and Norwegian, but this time it was the Chinese who were most eager to start up, so we’ve got it,” he said.

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