Fish at Cooke-owned Cold Ocean Salmon site test positive for ISA

editorial staff

The detection was from one fish from pen 2 and two fish from pen 4.

Cooke Aquaculture has posted in a press release that on January 22nd, its Cold Ocean Salmon division received a positive RT-PCR test result for Infectious Salmon Anaemia virus (ISAv) at Atlantic salmon site AQ840 stocked with 483,886 fish located near Sugarloaf Island within Great Cullier Bay, Bay D’Espoir, Newfoundland, Canada.

The detection was from one fish from pen 2 and two fish from pen 4.

“ISA (Infectious Salmon Anaemia) is a naturally occurring virus and is not a human health issue or a food safety issue. The ISA test result was identified during the Province’s routine fish health surveillance program. This detection confirms that the program is effective,” it wrote.

The company wrote that it is currently making plans for removal pending confirmatory testing.

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