Fish put into experimental submersible pen project for third time

editorial staff

Atlantis Subsea Farming is owned by SinkabergHansen, AKVA group and Egersund Net.

Atlantis Subsea Farming has now put fish in the submersible cages for the third time at the Otervika site in the far south of Nordland, Northern Norway.

Fish of 1.5-2.0 kg were released in two submersible cages, with 170,000 in each cage.

The fish will remain in the submersible cages until harvest in the autumn, and where biomass from both Atlantis and SinkabergHansen in the cages. Once the fish have been harvested, the project will be evaluated against the target criteria and the conversion of the development licence will be considered.

Drone Photo: Tina Oldham.

The fish were virtually lice-free at discharge and had a good health status. Developments in the lice situation will be monitored in the depths with Aquabyte’s camera system, as it is important to have the facility submerged as much as possible to avoid lice impacts.

“Fishing quickly calmed down after postponement and we are now closely monitoring swimming speed, behaviour and feeding. The fish will learn to use the air dome to fill the swim bladder and get used to a life in the depths,” said project manager Trude Olafsen in a press release.

“It’s been a fantastic effort from the entire project team recently to prepare everything for the postponed – not least from those who work at the site,” she added.

The facility is equipped with four submersible cages to gain experience with several cages in one frame mooring. Based on the experience of the previous postponement, technical changes have been made related to the wiring and control system itself, buoys and air dome.

In 2018, Atlantis Subsea Farming was awarded a development  licence to test submersible cage facilities. The company is owned by SinkabergHansen, AKVA group and Egersund Net.


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