Fisheries officials turn down Hex Box idea

Ole Alexander Saue

In the hit-and-miss world of Norwegian development license approvals, the latest miss is the Hex Box, brainchild of Ocean Aquafarms.

In December 2017, Stavanger outfit, Ocean Aquafarms, had sought 13 development licenses to develop an installation to produce salmon on sites exposed to 10-metre significant wave heights.

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Ocean Aquafarms is run by Heidi Adshead Baugsto and Steve Adshead.

On Thursday, the ruling came down from the Fisheries Directorate: their project was deemed “too similar” to SalMar’s Ocean Farm 1 and therefore not deemed sufficiently innovative.

“The Fisheries Directorate has come to see the risks of unacceptable damage to key environmental goals as too great, and the concept cannot be deemed environmentally sound as per (the Aquaculture Act),” the ruling said.

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