Former Lighthouse of Scotland CEO Inge Midtbø dies

Editorial Staff

Salmon farming pioneer Inge Midtbø passed died unexpectedly on Wednesday, May 29, a few weeks after celebrating his 60th birthday.

Midtbø, a trained civil economist, held numerous managerial positions in the aquaculture and seafood industries throughout his career.

He was among the first employees of Christiania Marine, the predecessor of Pan Fish, in Måløy. In the mid-1990s, he became CEO of the salmon farming company Lighthouse of Scotland Ltd., which was later acquired by Norwegian Pan Fish.

After returning to Norway in 1997, he led Nordic Halibut as CEO until 2015. Most recently, Midtbø served as the working chairman of the fish processing company P. Stave until his death.

In recent years, Midtbø resided in Bryggja in Nordfjord, where he grew up. He will be buried in Totland Church in Bryggja on Tuesday, June 11.

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