French “Fish Week” gets underway

press release

A week-long French campaign is underway to get consumers to buy farmed-fish approved as “sustainable” by the Aquaculture Stewardship Council or the Marine Stewardship Council.

Monday saw the launch of La Semaine de la Pêche — or Fish Week — during which the French will hear and read about the benefits of farmed and wild-caught fish. The ASC has joined forces with the MSC for the second year to highlight how choosing seafood their logo “certifies” protects wild ocean species supports the livelihoods of farmers, fishermen and their communities.

Most national supermarket chains and some brands have been busy on in-store billboards and ads. French retailer Picard is promoting the labels with a drawing contest 1,000 of their shops across France.

Carrefour is again promoting the certified fresh fish, and Lidl is growing its range of farmed seafood, an ASC statement said.

“The number of ASC-labelled products on the French market has increased by an impressive 65 percent over the last year and, as more people understand the positives of seeking out the label, we hope to see further growth,” stated Anne-Marie Kats, ASC’s marketing manager for The Netherlands, Belgium and France.

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