French retailer sells salmon fed with Veramaris marine algal oil

editorial staff

Veramaris and Skretting have been providing Lingalaks salmon with marine algae oil, now available in Supermarché Match.

“At Supermarché Match, we are committed to ensuring that everyone has access to fresh and healthy food. The salmon we are now able to offer to our customers is rich in omega-3 EPA & DHA from natural marine algae. This is our contribution to conserving marine resources”, said Supermarché Match head of procurement Nicolas Baroux in a press release.

Read more: Veramaris will cover salmon’s omega 3 needs with marine algae from the American Midwest

The salmon is now available in 116 Match stores in the north-east of France.

Veramaris produces marine microalgae, based on natural marine algae. The company ferment natural marine oils in large tanks to produce the omega 3 fatty acids EPA and DHA.

“Omega-3’s are among the most important nutrients that people need for a healthy life,” explained Veramaris chief executive Karim Kurmaly.

Veramaris has built a USD 200 million algal oil manufacturing facility in Blair, Nebraska, USA, which they say will supply “15 per cent plus” of the omega 3 need for salmon farming.

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