French say “non” to lemon and smoked salmon

Goes hand in hand right? Not according to French entrepeneur who wants to “ban the lemon.”

A squeeze of lemon on smoked salmon is a like good fish and chips, gin and tonic and cheese and wine. But to one Gallic salmon expert, that’s just old plain heresy, according to femmeactuelle.

Non-lemon fan, Didier Trentacosta. founder of Autour Du Saumon

In a frank rebuff of the combo, Didier Trentacosta founder of Autour Du Saumon, told the publication that we’ve been doing it wrong all this time.

“We must ban the lemon because it will cook salmon and it will spoil its taste. The salmon has already been cooked by smoking, there is no interest in reheating it,” he said.

Trentacosta knows his salmon. The French entrepeneur owns a renowned restaurant and six Parisian boutique stores, all dedicated to the pink fish.

He suggest serving it with a generous portion of salt. Not before leaving it out at room temperature for  about 15 to 30 minutes before being served, that is.

Didier Trentacosta explained that “this allows the flesh to relax and for the aromas to develop.

And a drink to accompany it? White wine, champagne, vodka and of course, aquavit.

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