Heavyweight processor, Hofseth, buys new Baader fillet line

press release

The Norwegian business of Lubeck-, Germany based Baader, has sold a new salmon-filleting line to Hofseth Aalesund in “a very important contract for Baader”.

“This is a complete fillet line from where gutted fish arrives in boxes with ice, until it is packed as a bone-free fillet in boxes, ready for shipment to the customer, as well as re-arranging and upgrading the existing line at Hofseth Aalesund. The line will be installed and commissioned just after the summer,” Baader’s man in Norway, Modulf Barstad said in a statement.

The BAADER line will have a capacity of 25 fish per minute on top of Hofseth’s existing fillet line in shipping town, Aalesund.

Hofseth ordered another line from Baader two years ago.

“Hofseth has chosen Baader’ fillet line because we have seen through several years of operation that (the) solution ensures the best yield while guaranteeing high capacity and stable operation”, Hofseth founder and CEO, Roger Hofseth, was quoted as saying.

Hofseth already runs three filleting factories that produce salmon fillets for billions of kroner.

Hofseth is a demanding customer that is very hands-on and has a strong focus on operations and earnings, and that`s what we like, Barstad stated.

Hofseth Aalesund is the newest business in the massive Hofseth AS group. It earned EUR 14.6 million in 2016, when Hofseth AS saw sales of EUR 101.4 million

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