The first three closed cages are now under installation, and will soon be ready to recieve fish.
“The last cage will be delivered to the Faroe Islands at the end of May,” said Børge Sneisen, project manager at FiiZK, in a press release.
“The collaboration with Hiddenfjord and local subcontractors has been very good, and we are going to continue with cage number four according to the same model.”
The equipment supplier has seen a significant demand for closed cages. On 16 November, FiiZK landed an agreement with parish farmer Osland Havbruk for two closed cages.
“This is the fourth cage we have arranged delivery for in a short time to various customers. Production, delivery and further development are now in full swing,” said Magnus Stendal, business developer for FiiZK, and adds that it is motivating to handle all customer inquiries and prospects that now come in.