How does K. Strømmen’s sale affect Scottish Salmon Company’s pricing?

Aslak Berge

The Scottish Salmon Company’s valuation leaps after K. Strømmen Lakseoppdrett’s big sale. 

Last Friday morning, Mowi signed a EUR 82 million deal, in shares and cash, to secure the Northern Norway-based salmon farmer company K. Strømmen Lakseoppdrett. The pricing reflects a fiery salmon market, signalling a EUR 20.5 million valuation per license.

Another, and significantly larger, company that is currently for sale that is listed is The Scottish Salmon Company (SSC). The 30,000 tonne gained a significant boost in the valuation after Mowi’s acquisition.

GRAPH: Infront

After stopping trading at NOK 25.70 on Thursday, the stock rose on Friday and Monday, ending at a closing price of NOK 27.50 per share on Monday. It is the highest level of time for the company struggled with its operations for a number of years.

SSC is controlled by the media-shy Ukrainian hedge fund manager Yuri Lopatinsky, who holds 72.8 percent of the shares through the Swiss-registered company SIX SIS.

The second largest owner of the aquaculture company is Frode Teigen, who has built up on shipping from his base in Thailand. Teigen owns a total of 7.6 per cent of SSC privately and through the investment company Kontrari.

As a result of the stated sales plans, SSC is the salmon stock that has risen most on the Oslo Stock Exchange so far in 2019.

GRAPH: Infront

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