How much was SalMar’s CEO paid in 2018?

Olav-Andreas Ervik has been at the helm for one year.

According to the company’s annual report, Ervik was paid EUR 281,000 in 2018.

CEO Trond Williksen, who stood down on 10 April 2018, was paid his salary during his 6 months’ period of notice, plus 6 months’ severance pay which came to EUR 454,000.

In 2018, SalMar’s Scottish Sea Farms – the UK’s second largest producer of salmon – generated operating revenues of EUR 189 million compared to EUR 215 million in 2017. This was due to biological challenges at the end of 2017, as well as changes in the company’s operating structure, resulted in the volume harvested decreasing from 31,000 tonnes in 2017 to 27,500 tonnes in 2018.

SalMar’s Norskott Havbruk (which in turn owns 100 per cent of Scottish Sea Farms) expects to harvest 30,000 tonnes in mainland Scotland, the Orkneys and the Shetlands, in 2019.

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