Increased harvesting sends salmon prices to the lowest level of the year

Higher sales quantities are depressing prices.

“We’re seeing very low prices in the market, and it still hasn’t come to an end on the supplier side. We’re talking about prices quite far down in the [NOK] 40’s to have a chance of making sales,” one exporter told Salmon Business. [factbox]

“There is an increase in volume now,” he added.

Good growth
A number of industrial sources outline the following farmgate price levels for delivery next week:

* 3-4 kilos NOK 45-47
* 4-5 kilos NOK 47-48
* 5-6 kilos NOK 49-52
* 6+ kilos NOK 52-60

All sources agree on a clear decline in prices, especially for large fish.

“We are basically just getting 4+. We have no smaller fish, and we are missing 2-3s. The fish are growing damn fast,” a trader points out.

At the same time, he notes that it is easier to sell more fish at low prices.

“Yes, I think prices will go up, but it will not happen for a while. I think we have a lot more fish this year than last. We have fewer sea lice this year. Delousing really hits growth and feeding. This year we have fewer lice and much better feeding,” he says, adding that he believes better equipment and wellboats can take the credit for this improvement.

More fish from Chile
Large-scale salmon buyers in Central Europe are also noticing the price decline, but are not pinning their hopes on fixed prices.

“It’s going to go a little bit over the day before it’s settled when it’s fallen so much,” notes an industrial buyer.

“We are also excited about the amount of fish coming from Chile [to Europe]. The main harvest volume in Chile is coming now,” he adds.

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