Invermar loses 1,600 t of salmon to Red Tide

Salmon Business

Invermar has reported the loss of some 1,600 tonnes of salmon worth EUR 6.7 million in the largest report of lost fish in the wake of Chile’s new algae bloom, newspaper La Tercera writes.

Umbrella organization, SalmonChile, reported on Friday that 900 t of salmon had died spread across 34 farms. The Invermar numbers and SalmonChile’s put total losses seemingly related to the algal bloom at around 2,500 t.

Arturo Clement, president of SalmonChile, said the industry isn’t close to the losses incurred during a deadly bloom in 2016.

“Even though it isn’t ruled out that we’ll have more losses in the coming weeks, it isn’t along the same lines as what we had in 2016. We are worried, but we don’t believe it is a catastrophe,” he was reported as saying.

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