Is the salmon world’s most advanced feed centre in Hobart, Australia?

editorial staff

The feed centre is located in the centre of Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, and will control feeding for all of Tassal’s 20s farms.

The operators now have the very best conditions for feeding fish precisely so that growth rate can becomes as high as possible and the feed factor as low as possible,

This comprehensive project was initiated towards the end of 2016. Steinsvik – a technology supplier to the aquaculture industry – have delivered fiber-based HD cameras for all cages, a significant upgrade of the number of feed lines, fleet control systems and other new software solutions in addition to the physical elements of the feed centre.

“To start with clear ambitions of what one wants to achieve by efficiency improvements and then find solutions that together create progress is a good approach,” the company said. In the process, Tassal also wanted to work thoroughly on knowledge development.

The feed centre was started up in the first quarter of 2018 with two plants, and then new plants have been added continuously. Not unexpectedly, the feed center has also received a number of other functions, since operators are so central to the information flow in the company.

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