ISA detected at Cultivos Yadran site

editorial staff

Virus detected at Chilean salmon farm. Authorities are conducting more tests.

In a statement, Chilean fishing and aquaculture authority Sernapesca writes that a diagnostic test came back positive for the Infectious Salmon Anemia Virus (ISAv) at a salmon farm owned by Cultivos Yadran in Chile’s Aysén region.

Upon receipt of laboratory results last Saturday, the salmon farm was notified as suspected for the disease.

Sernapesca said it was waiting for more resampling results.

“The National Fisheries and Aquaculture Service has implemented all preventive surveillance and remote control measures provided for in the official programme, and will also monitor the area’s crop centres in order to strengthen surveillance in the area,” it added.

Cultivos Yadran produces around 55,000 tonnes of salmon a year.

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