Land-based producer now harvesting in world’s largest market for seafood – just 3 years after start of construction

Editorial Staff

Nordic Aqua has begun commercial harvesting in China. 

Nutreco-backed land-based salmon farmer Nordic Aqua Partners has successfully completed its first Atlantic salmon harvest at its facility in Gaotang, China.

This initial harvest marks a significant operational achievement for the company and introduces its Atlantic salmon under the “Nordic PureAtlantic” brand to the Chinese market.

Ragnar Joensen, CEO of Nordic Aqua, commented on the quality of the harvest, stating, “Our first harvest confirms the high-quality of our farmed Atlantic Salmon, achieving an average weight of approximately 5.7 kilograms LW, with mortality rates below 2%, no signs of maturation issues, and a superior rate of 99%.”

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The company plans to scale up its operations quickly, with harvest volumes during the first three weeks expected to reach 10, 20, and 30 tons, respectively, before stabilizing at 70-80 tons per week.

This ramp-up is the first stage in a broader strategy to achieve a total production capacity of 20,000 tons. Construction for an additional 4,000-ton Stage 2 capacity began in the third quarter of 2023, with plans for a Stage 3 expansion well underway.

Andreas Thorud, Managing Director of Nordic Aqua, highlighted the strategic benefits of the company’s local presence, noting, “Nordic Aqua’s strategic positioning within the local market significantly reduces logistics costs and enhances freshness, providing a strong competitive edge.”

He added that the robust growth and high price resilience of the Chinese salmon market, coupled with the company’s first-mover advantage, positions Nordic Aqua favorably in a market with over 100 million potential consumers within a five-hour distribution radius.

The successful harvest marks Nordic Aqua’s transition from the project phase to full operational status, poised for continuous production and supply. The company is set to capture significant interest from global seafood markets and stakeholders focused on sustainable and technologically advanced aquaculture projects.

Nordic Aqua has scheduled a Capital Markets Day on 3 September 2024 in Ningbo, China, for investors, analysts, and other stakeholders to discuss further developments and opportunities.

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