Land-based benefits shown Down Under

Salmon Business staff

Danish land-based systems seller, Billund Aquaculture, is in Tasmania off Australia’s southern coast this week showing conference-goers the value of land-based facilities, newspaper The Mercury has reported.

A Global Salmon Conference run by the Institute of Marine and Antarctic Studies the day before the Global Salmon Symposium 2018 has attracted “heavyweights from across the world” to remote Hobart on the Island. Patrick Tigges, managing director of Billund Aquaculture, was reported by the newspaper as saying land-based salmon-farming was still “experimental” with “significant challenges” to be overcome.

Tigges was there, however, to help interested growers know the benefits and opportunity in growing smolt larger onshore, advantages that include better survivability once in marine environments.

“We are seeing an increased demand for systems for bigger fish,” the newspaper quoted him as saying. Salmon Business has reported extensively on land-based facilities of all types, including Huon Aquaculture’s plans to grow fish to offshore sizes at Whale Point.

Billund has over 50 land-based customer references for facilities linked to juvenile-salmon production. Local Aussie producers — pressed by authorities over mortalities in southern water prone to summer heat shocks — are known to be keen to get some biomass out of the water.

Read Long way to go for Danish pioneers

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