Land-based producer to delay harvest following tweak to water circulation systems

Editorial Staff

Land-based salmon farmer Nordic Aqua Partners has announced a delay to its first official harvest.

The producer, which is building a 20,000 ton facility in China successfully conducted a test-harvest at its Gaotong facility in China during Easter, the company announced in a stock exchnage update on Tuesday.

Following the results of this test, however, the company decided to make adjustments to the water circulation systems, slightly delaying the timeline for its first official harvest,

Ragnar Joensen, CEO of Nordic Aqua, remarked that although this adjustment requires a minor reschedule of the initial harvest to late April, it is aimed at enhancing the quality that their brand. He further noted that the company plans to gradually increase production volumes, reaching full-scale production in May.

Despite this shift in the second-quarter harvest timeline, the company predicts the adjustment will have no further impact on their plans and remains on track to meet its projected harvest volume of 3,400 tonnes for 2024.

Nordic Aqua Partners is gearing up to introduce its Atlantic salmon, under the PureNordicSalmon brand, to the Chinese market.

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