Land-based tech provider, Plastsveis, gets new company name

editorial staff

Plastsveis will now be known as AKVA group Land Based Norway.

As of 1 December, Plastsveis, will have a new company name, but will keep its existing organisation number, according to a press release.

Plastsveis, an AKVA subsidary since 2013, is a polyethylen installation and land-based technology provider to smolt and fry producers.

Together with Aquatec Solutions, Plastsveis makes up the company’s land based division, covering both flow-through systems and RAS technology.

In total, AKVA group Land Based comprises 160 employees, of which 65 work in Norway. The Danish part of the company will be known as AKVA group Land Based, while Plastsveis’ new name will be AKVA group Land Based Norway.

As a result of the name change, all email addresses will be changed to as of the 1st December. Their new general email address will be

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