Latest Scottish fish farm survey shows fall in tonnage last year

Marine Scotland Science today published the Scottish Fish Farm Production Survey 2016.

The publication details statistics on the employment and production from Scottish fish farms. It is structured to follow industry trends within the farmed Atlantic salmon, rainbow trout and other species sectors. Some statistics are given for the 21-year period 1996-2016.

The main findings are;

  • In 2016, production of Atlantic salmon decreased by 8,905 tonnes (5.2%) to 162,817 tonnes.
  • The total number of staff employed in marine salmon production in 2016 increased by 123 to 1,486.
  • Production tonnage of rainbow trout decreased by 6% in 2016 to 8,096 tonnes. Production remained high with this being the second highest level of rainbow trout production recorded in Scotland.
  • During 2016 there was an increase in the production of halibut but a decrease in brown trout/sea trout production. There was increased production of lumpsucker and wrasse which are used as biological controls for parasites.

The full statistical publication can be accessed here.

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