Laxar appoints Arnfinn Aunsmo as new COO

editorial staff

Arnfinn Aunsmo has been appointed as a COO for the Icelandic salmon farmer.

Aunsmo has broad experience in the fish farming industry and has been COO of AquaGen and FHM and also director of development at Måsoval Fiskeoppdrett. He has a veterinary degree from Edinburgh University and a PhD in epidemiology from the Norwegian School of Veterinary Science in Oslo.

“We are looking forward to having Arnfinn onboard of the Laxar family, and we know that he will strengthen our managing and operational team. Laxar is one of the leading salmon farmers in Iceland, and Arnfinn’s experience will help us move further forward,” said Jens Gardar Helgason, CEO of Laxar, in a press release.

Laxar’s production sites are located at Iceland’s south- and east coast.

“I am thrilled to start in the position as COO in Laxar and the opportunity to contribute with my knowledge and experience together with the existing team in further development and expansion of Laxar`s operations in Iceland,” said Arnfinn Aunsmo.


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