Maine’s Department of Environmental Protection demands indoor salmon farm for proof of land rights

DEP had previously accepted Nordic Aquafarm’s application as complete.

The state’s Department of Environmental Protection is taking seriously claims by opponents of the proposed Nordic Aquafarms’ USD 400 million land-based salmon farm in Belfast, Maine, USA.

Opponents of the facility said that the salmon farm’s water pipes would cross private property in the intertidal zone, as reported in The Republican Journal.

In a letter dated from January 22nd, Brian Kavanah, acting co-director of DEP’s Bureau of Water Quality, told Nordic Aquafarms to submit supporting materials for its claim of rights to use land that would be crossed by the salmon farm’s two seawater intake pipes and one wastewater discharge pipe.

“In light of recently received evidence that the department has determined to be credible, the department is requesting further information,” Kavanah wrote to Nordic’s attorney Joanna Tourangeau. He went on to request the survey used to establish the indoor salmon farm’s claim of right, title and interest to the intertidal land that would be crossed by the pipes.

Additionally, Kavanah asked for documentation that Nordic has permission run the pipe under Route 1 and gave the company until February 6th to provide the supporting documents.

Nordic Aquafarms has an easement across the upland property owned by Richard and Janet Eckrote that lies between the proposed fish farm site and Penobscot Bay. Ownership of the area between the high and low-tide marks as well as the Route 1 crossing, is in dispute, the publication reported.

If all goes to plan, the company aim to start constructing a facility later this year to be “first-fish” ready by 2020.

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