Marine Harvest boss eighth highest paid CEO in Norway

Aslak Berge

Marine Harvest CEO Alf-Helge Aarskog earned €1.9 million last year.

This information is given in an overview published by Norwegian business newspaper Dagens Næringsliv, showing the Norwegian companies that paid the highest salaries and bonuses to their CEOs in 2016.

The figure includes salary, bonus and paid stock options. Expenses for pensions and other allowances are not included.

Eighth place
Highest paid was Sigurd Einar Thorvildsen of the Awilhelmsen group (a privately owned investment company). He claimed a total of €6.1m last year.

Alf-Helge Aarskog ended up in the eighth place, with his €1.9m, driven by Marine Harvest’s handy option package.

Chief executive of Norway Royal Salmon, Charles Høstlund, earned €1.4m last year and ended up in 12th place.

This is considerably more than, for example, Statoil CEO Eldar Sætre, who earned €1.2m.

Paid by Fredriksen
Marine Harvest’s main shareholder, John Fredriksen, is well-known to pay his key employees well.

Frontline boss Robert Hvide Macleod one of Fredriksen’s men who earned second most, with his €1m.

There were no other salmon bosses on DN’s list of the 100 best-paid CEO’s in the country.

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