Marine Harvest market cap at €9Bn after strong Brussels show

Aslak Berge

Marine Harvest’s salmon traders had a busy time at this week’s seafood expo arranged in the Belgian capital.

The demand for salmon is solid and has surprised with its upside so far this year. That has affected both the salmon price and performances on the Exchange.

Historic highs
On Friday morning, market leader Marine Harvest was trading at a new all-time high, as the stock passed the 180-kroner mark in Oslo. That’s an implicit market value of EUR 9 billion.

In market value this week, the company passed industrial locomotive, Orkla, and is now safely in among the Oslo Stock Exchange’s heavyweight players. Today’s share-price rally is just one of many good recent days for shareholders, and Marine Harvest has grown by a comfortable 32 percent so far in 2018.

Fish-farming rivals SalMar (up 2.3 percent) and Leroy (1.6 percent) have registered gentle upswings of their own on an moderately positive Friday morning in Oslo. Share price rallies today are being linked to rumour of an increase in the salmon price.

On Friday, right after lunch, SalmonBusiness will, as usual, report the coming week’s salmon spot price.

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