Michael Kellner second MD at Laschinger Germany

Salmon Business

Laschinger Seafood, part of Marine Harvest, recently appointed a second managing director. The reason for the management expansion is the company’s rapid growth.

Laschinger Seafood supplies fresh fish and frozen foods and smoked fish to the European retail sector, and generates a high three-figure-million euro turnover.

Michael Kellner, who took up his position this summer, has been working in the food sector for more than 25 years, both nationally and internationally. He has worked mainly in the private label segment in the cereals, fresh and canned food sectors.

Bergen, Norway

Laschinger Seafood was founded in 1979 by Rudolf Laschinger, who first started smoking trout. In Bergen, Norway, Rudolf Laschinger learned how to raise and breed salmon. He then added salmon to his company successfully.

In the 1990s, Laschinger acquired salmon farms and breeding facilities in the Scottish Shetland Islands and on the Irish Atlantic coast.


In 2007, his company merged with the Polish Morpol Group, the world market leader for smoked salmon. Marine Harvest acquired the Morpol Group, including Laschinger Seafood, in 2013.

Laschinger Seafood has two locations in Germany: at Deggendorf, where nearly two dozen employees are responsible for the distribution of salmon specialities in Europe, America and Australia; and a production site for fresh fish and self-service products in Harsum.


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