Mortality incident at Mowi-owned semi-closed pen

Editorial Staff

Mowi has reported an incident at its fish farming site in Slåttenes, Matersfjorden, Norway, resulting in significant number of dead fish. 

The incident, which occurred over the last weekend of May, involved a rapid drop in water levels within the semi-closed pens, likely due to a power cut, the company confirmed to Norwegian newspaper Kvinnheringen.

Håvard Hustoft, head of the aquaculture department at the Norwegian Food Safety Authority, stated that Mowi had reported the incident, but the full extent and causative factors remain under investigation.

“I can confirm that there has been an incident at Mowi’s Slåttenes site in Matersfjorden in Kvinnherad. It is correct that the site has semi-closed pens,” wrote Hustoft.

“Mattilsynet’s aquaculture department is in dialogue with Mowi and is awaiting a complete deviation management and cause analysis.”

“Even though we were able to rectify the fault as soon as possible, the incident unfortunately led to damage to a large amount of fish in one of the pens,” Mowi Europe communications director, Ola Helge Hjetland told Kvinnheringen.


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