Mowi disputes €900,000 sea lice fines

editorial staff

Case ends up at Norwegian Food Safety Authority headquarters.

In September, Mowi had major lice challenges at the Rønstad and Sandvika sites in Volda municipality, Central Norway. The problems led to, among other things, daily fines from the Food Safety Authority of around EUR 900,000, which Mowi later complained about.

“We have implemented the measures the Norwegian Food Safety Authority pointed out, and we therefore believe that there is no basis for coercive fines and that this will nevertheless be disproportionate,” Mowi communications manager Eivind Nævdal-Bolstad told SalmonBusiness in October.

Nævdal-Bolstad had previously also indicated that Mowi had technical problems and delays from suppliers on treatment capacities, which led to delayed lice treatments. In addition, there were weather challenges when the problems were at their worst.

These arguments have also been presented by Mowi to the Norwegian Food Safety Authority in its complaint, but the Food Safety Authority Region Mid maintains the fines. The regional office believes that Mowi is a major player, and it should therefore be expected that the company will take relevant measures adapted to the situation, writes Sunnmørsposten.

The case has now been sent to the Norwegian Food Safety Authority’s head office, which is the body in the case, for final consideration.

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