Mowi father and son pair make history

Editorial Staff

For the first time in Mowi’s history, a father and son have taken on the same role as farm managers at separate sites.

Iain Fraser, a farm manager at Laga Bay, and his son Jack, newly appointed to oversee Kingairloch, have carved parallel paths in the Scottish salmon farming industry.

Both men began their careers with Mowi straight out of school. Iain started in 1987 at the age of 16, working at freshwater sites before moving to sea sites. Jack joined the company in 2010, initially helping with weekend feeding while still in school.

“I planned to go to university but decided to stay on full-time because I enjoyed the work so much,” Jack said. “Starting under my dad, I learned the ropes, and that experience has been invaluable. It’s interesting now to manage the same farm where I first began.”

Iain reflected on his decades-long career, noting the evolution of Kingairloch, where he worked early on. “When I started, we used square steel cages. The feed barge that’s still in use today was named by Jack’s sister – ‘Bradan Breagha,’ which means ‘beautiful salmon’ in Gaelic,” he said.

Photo: Mowi

The Frasers’ connection to Mowi extends beyond the immediate family, with other relatives having worked for the company over the years.

Sean Anderson, Production Director at Mowi Scotland, acknowledged the pair’s contributions, noting their influence on local teams. “Their efforts in managing their respective farms have been impressive, and their long service is remarkable,” he said.


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