Mowi replaces Isidro 1952 as sushi supplier to Lidl Spain

Mowi makes headway in Spanish and Portuguese markets with new product lines via German retailing giant.

La Voz De Galicia reports that Mowi has replaced troubled fish supplier Isidro 1952 as Lidl’s sushi supplier.

The publication reported that Isidro 1952 had been supplying sushi products to the large German retailer, but it then reduced its order volume – reducing sales from northwestern Spain based fish processor by 30 per cent in one year.

The company faces large layoffs and high debts.

Mowi would not comment if the sushi products will be processed at the Mowi Iberia site in Zaragoza, Spain, or from its Morpol site in Poland but a spokesperson told SalmonBusiness: “It is Mowi’s objective to develop the market for a wide range of value-added seafood products in Spain, including sushi, and we are targeting the overall retail market”.

Mowi joins Nueva Pescanova and Leroy Processing Spain as major sushi suppliers to the Spanish market, with the latter supplying to retail giant Mercadona.

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