Mowi risks huge fine and losing concession after salmon escape

EUR 6 million fine being touted after 680,000 escaped from a Mowi farm in Chile last July.

BioBioChile reports that Chilean authorities are considering slapping Mowi with a (up to) CH 6 billion fine (EUR 6.3 million) for last year’s salmon escape.

A storm on July 6 damaged nine enclosures at the former Marine Harvest’s Punta Redonda farm near the southern city of Calbuco, freeing some 680,000 fish into Chilean waters.

The salmon farmer also risks losing its concession after only reaching the 5.5 per cent recapture rate when the minimum set was 10.

Sernapesca regional director Eduardo Aguilera and regional head of the Superintendency of Environment Ivonne Mansilla have been supporting the review with evidence – but had yet to find any environmental damage.

Authorities are expected to make a decision within the following weeks.

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