Mowi sets target of 30% female leadership by 2025

Editorial Staff

Mowi is also hoping to achieve a 50/50 gender split among its 11,500 employees.

The world’s largest producer of farmed Atlantic salmon, Mowi has committed to having women fill 30% of leadership positions within the company by 2025.

Women currently constitute 25.6% of Mowi’s leadership positions, according to the company.

Mowi is also striving to achieve a 50/50 gender split among its 11,500 employees worldwide, the salmon producer reported on LinkedIn in an update for International Women’s Day last week.

The company has also set the ambition of there being no significant differences between genders in Global Employee Engagement Survey.

“Great to see this explicit quantified ambition by Scotland’s largest salmon producer to increase the proportion of senior women in their business. What gets measured gets done. Well done, all at Mowi,” commented Heather Jones, chief executive of the Stirling-based Sustainable Aquaculture Innovation Centre (SAIC).

There is, however, still work to be done: Mowi Scotland, which managed to eliminate the gender pay gap in 2020, recorded a median pay gap of 5.4 percent for the financial year ending April 2023, up from a -0.3 percent in 2019.

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