Mowi to boost processing with portable robots

editorial staff

Company to install Automated Guided Vehicles (AGV) tech at one site. Salmon farmer will also bring Mowi Cloud into operations.

In their 2018 annual report, Mowi writes that it will introduce Automated Guided Vehicles to their primary processing operations. The tech uses robots that follow along marked lines or wires on the floor.

The company has hundreds of forklifts across its factories – moving pallets around in production areas, warehouses and in and out of trucks. Mowi said it had identified appropriate technology to automate these activities by using Automated Guided Vehicles.

“Automating pallet logistics in its facilities will reduce equipment redundancy, improve worker safety and allow for more predictive maintenance. In 2019, we will install this technology at one factory in Norway, gain operational experience and gradually implement AGVs to other Mowi units,” the company wrote.

The salmon farmer also added that the digitalisation of its value chain, The Mowi Cloud, has been in a design phase throughout 2018, with project execution pending for 2019. It will start with pilot facilities in selected Mowi Farming and Processing units, transitioning operations from local host servers to cloud.

“With the successful implementation of the Mowi Cloud we will be even better positioned to utilise the unique opportunities within our value chain, to the benefit of the environment, our fish and our consumers. 2019 will be a hallmark year when the Mowi value chain is starting to explore its full potential aided by the Mowi Cloud launch,” the company added.

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