Mowi workboat comes to the rescue of stranded sailors near Mallaig

Editorial Staff

In a dramatic turn of events off the Scottish coast, the crew of the Mowi Challenger, Ruan Urquhart and Cameron Tallach, came to the rescue of Gilly and John Bourke, whose vessel suffered engine failure while sailing from Rum to Mallaig.

The incident occurred when the Bourkes’ vessel encountered engine trouble.

After changing filters failed to fix the engine fault, the couple notified the coastguard and planned to reach Mallaig under sail. However, the crew from the Mowi Challenger reached out to them and offered to help, according to Mowi newsletter The Scoop.

Urquhart and Tallach successfully towed the Bourkes’ boat to shore and arranged for a diesel engineer to repair the malfunctioning engine.

Expressing her gratitude, Gilly Bourke said, “A massive thank you to Ruan and Cameron who were unbelievably helpful and kind to us. They are a credit to Mowi.” Urquhart reflected on the event, stating, “We were just pleased we were able to assist Gilly and John. When you work in coastal communities, it is not uncommon to witness boats getting into difficulty and it’s important to look out for each other and help when you can.”

The Mowi Challenger, delivered to Mowi Scotland in 2021 by Norwegian company PROMEK , is a PROCAT 1580F model workboat. This vessel is designed specifically for operations in harsh conditions and to provide increased interior space. PROMEK, which has built more than 200 customized aluminum boats since 1992, carried out all engineering, procurement, production, and testing in-house in Smøla, Norway.

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