Mowi’s grand plans for 2,000 restaurants in China fizzle out

editorial staff
Turnover had been predicted to reach $2 billion by 2025.

There was no shortage of ambition when Ola Brattvoll, Mowi’s executive vice president for sales and marketing, outlined plans for 2,000 restaurants under the company’s umbrella. The occasion was the fishing and aquaculture fair North Atlantic Seafood Forum in the spring of 2018.

“It is a strategically very important investment. We believe this has great potential and that in the course of five to eight years we can build it up to become 2,000 restaurants across China,” Brattvoll told Dagens Næringsliv at the time.

The restaurant chain was to follow the salmon downstream, into the market, under the Supreme Salmon brand. By 2025, turnover was predicted to reach two billion dollars.

The conclusion almost four years after the plans were launched is that Mowi still only has a few restaurants in Taiwan, without the company wanting to say anything special about them.

“This investment was downgraded when we chose to invest in a global brand,” wrote communications director Ola-Helge Hjetland in an email to DN.

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