Multiexport and Blumar form joint venture to build new salmon processing plant

editorial staff

Chilean salmon farmers join forces under new name Entrevientos, to build facility which will begin operations at the end of the first quarter of 2020.

In a press release, Chilean salmon farmers Multiexport Foods and Salmones Blumar that they will construction and operation of a process plant in the city of Punta Arenas, Southern Chile, under the company name Entrevientos.

An MOU was signed between both companies was fulfilled in December of last year.

The plant, which is currently in an advanced stage of construction, will allow the processing of salmon for both companies in the Chilean Antartic region.

“Sustainability is at the centre of our business, which we develop in response to highly productive and business standards. This new plant, which is built in conjunction with Blumar, responds precisely to that focus,” said Multiexport Foods CEO José Ramón Gutiérrez.

Highly automated with the latest equipment, the new plant will have a unique design of its kind, ensuring high energy efficiency. In addition, it will include cutting-edge technology for water and industrial waste treatment.

“This new plant will be the most modern in the Chilean salmon industry, designed for efficient production and under the highest environmental and safety standards worldwide,” Gutierrez added.

The plant, which will begin its operation at the end of the first quarter of next year. The 8,700m2 site will enable it to process over 40 thousand tonnes per year of fresh and frozen products.

On Wednesday, rivals AquaChile opened its new 140-thousand-tonnes a year salmon processing plant in Quellon, Los Lagos, which is now the largest in the world.

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