Multiexport’s earnings take 63% dip, but revenues rise


Surging sales volumes that include much fish for US markets have boosted Chilean salmon-farmer Multiexport’s revenues by 16.5 percent to a reported USD 122 million in the first-quarter of 2018..

However, company earnings fell 63 percent to USD 7 million, as achieved prices in the quarter were down four percent over the year-ago period, Diario Financiero has reported.

“A positive quarter, both in terms of results and in production that confirms the recovery of the business and the industry,” company general manager, Andres Lyon, was quoted as saying.

Lyon said recent weeks were seeing “strong increases in sales prices”, adding that he thought it was all down to moderate volume growth worldwide and strong demand. He said it was “a situation that we foresee will remain in the next period”.

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