New 10,000 tonnes land-based salmon farm on the horizon in Russia

Strizh-Aqua HUB aiming for first large-scale RAS farm Atlantic salmon in the South of Russia.

Strizh-Aqua HUB, using tech from the Israeli RAS specialist AquaMaof, is planning a 5,000 tonnes per-year site, with the prospect of development of up 10,000 tonnes.

Krasnodar Industrial Park is based in South Russia. MAP: Google

The site will be in Krasnodar Industrial Park. This is three hours to the port of Novorossiysk, and less than a day by sea ferry to all ports of the countries of the Black and Azov seas.

The Russian/Israel association was created to promote the project of an industrial salmon-growing cluster with 100 per-cent localization in the Kuban.

Developer and co-founder Victor Popolitov. PHOTO: Strizh-Aqua HUB

Developer and co-founder Victor Popolitov told SalmonBusiness that the business was still in its start-up phase.

Their salmon will be “produced only a few hours from the main markets and several days faster at the consumer than arriving from Chile, the Faroe Islands, Norway,” he said.

In terms of harvest, he said that the “optimistic” plan was 2023. “Pessimistic” was 2024.

AquaMaof is working on three RAS projects in the country in total. One land-based trout farm site produces 520 tonnes a year in the Kaluga region, Western Russia, and has been operating since 2014. A 2,500 tonnes land-based salmon farm is also under construction in the Vologda Oblast, Northwestern Russia.

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