New Chilean salmon brand seeks to shed country’s reputation for antibiotic usage

Laguna Blanca, expects new antibiotic free brand to reach the US market this month.

Today, Chilean salmon producer Blumar has announced the launch of a new brand of salmon to be raised without antibiotics.

Raised in Chile’s Magallanes region in Patagonia, the company claims Laguna Blanca is sustainably raised and enjoys living conditions that closely replicate the natural environment.

Salmon farming in Chile has been marked by higher uses of antibiotics than is the case in Europe or North America. In 2018 in Chile, a total of 323 tonnes of antibiotics were used on 842,679 tonnes of salmonids. 

By way of comparison, in Europe, over the course of the past 30 years the use of antibiotics in farming has fallen by 99 percent while over the same period, salmon production has increased 24-fold. In 2017, just 500 kilos of antibiotics was used in Norway for an output of 1.2 million tonnes of salmon.

“This salmon is the result of the work of a team highly committed to caring for the environment and animal welfare. It is a product free of antibiotic treatments, grown in the unique conditions that offer the purity and temperature of the waters of Chile’s Magallanes region,” said Daniel Montoya, Sales & Marketing Director of Blumar.

Cultivated throughout its cycle without antibiotics, Laguna Blanca is a certified product under the demanding aquaculture standard of the Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC).

Blumar, one of the joint venture partners at BluGlacier, has produced premium and reliable salmon products for the U.S. over the past ten years to wholesalers such as Kroger, Costco and Sam’s Club. Blumar’s new product, Laguna Blanca, expects to reach the U.S. market in its fresh and frozen formats starting September 2021 and will position itself as a high-quality protein in the retail and restaurant segments.

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