New feed barge delivered for Sanford

editorial staff

The 26m long steel barge cost NZD 5.5 million (EUR 3.1 million).

Stuff reports that New Zealand’s oldest and largest seafood company Sanford, which is increasingly farming more salmon, has taken delivery of a new feed barge.

New salmon barge in Bluff, NZ. PHOTO: Sanford

The “San Hamana” has four silos and can hold 200 tonnes of salmon feed. The barge’s technology equipment includes underwater cameras, that provides data on feed allocations and water and oxygen levels in the sea.

The vessel will be used at Sanford’s Big Glory Bay farm, where 4500 tonnes of king salmon are harvested a year.

The EUR 3.1 million “San Hamana” took nine months to build in Hobart, Tasmania, Australia.

Early in the month, it was announced that Sanford Chief Executive Volker Kuntzsch was resigning after seven years of leading the company.

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