New Norwegian seafood envoy to South-East Asia named

Editorial Staff

Nakken previously served as a seafood envoy to China from 2006 to 2011.

The Norwegian Seafood Council has announced the appointment of Åshild Nakken, 51, as the new seafood envoy to South-East Asia, effective March 1, 2024.

Nakken, who has over a decade of experience with Lerøy in market and business development, particularly in Asia and the Middle East, will be responsible for overseeing the Council’s marketing efforts in the region.

Børge Grønbech, the director of global operations at the Norwegian Seafood Council, expressed confidence in Nakken’s appointment, citing her extensive background and expertise in the region and the seafood industry. He also highlighted the significance of South-East Asia as a growing market for Norwegian seafood.

Nakken, who previously served as a seafood envoy to China from 2006 to 2011, expressed her enthusiasm for the new role, recognizing the potential of South-East Asian markets for expanding the sales and marketing of Norwegian seafood.

She will be succeeding Asbjørn Warvik Rørtveit, who has served as the seafood envoy for the past five years. Grønbech commended Rørtveit’s contribution to promoting Norwegian seafood in the region and his analytical work for the Council.

Nakken’s return to the Norwegian Seafood Council and her new role as the seafood envoy to South-East Asia marks a significant step in the Council’s ongoing efforts to strengthen Norway’s presence in key international seafood markets.

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