Norwegian farm hit by storm sees 90% mortality rate after power lost

Editorial Staff

Sudden loss of light led to the fish moving downwards producer told Norwegian Food Safety Authority.

Norwegian salmon producer SinkabergHansen lost 90 percent of its fish in two netpens during storm “Ingunn” in February.

The massive storm led to power outages up and down the Norwegian coast, causing the producer’s netpens to darken. The sudden loss of light led to the fish moving downwards, resulting in high densities, and consequently, reduced oxygen availability – leading to a mass mortality incident, SinkabergHansen told The Norwegian Food Safety Authority.

The exact number of salmon that died remains undisclosed but the communications between the company and the Norwegian Food Safety Authority indicate that about 90 percent of the fish at the Otervika site in Bindal municipality were lost due to the incident, the company confirmed to SalmonBusiness on Thursday.

Farmers count cost as Storm Ingunn leaves trail of torn nets and escaped fish

“We are in the process of assessing the particularly unfortunate incident, and we consider it most appropriate to continue the dialogue with the Norwegian Food Safety Authority,” a spokesperson for the company told SalmonBusiness.

The storm in Feburary caused widespread devastation, including the destruction of a number of buildings. Transportation across the region came to a standstill as the storm forced the cancellation of nearly all flights, ferry services, and shipping routes.

Major airports such as Tromsø, Bodø, and Evenes, which serve the cities of Narvik and Harstad, also faced significant disruptions, while salmon deliveries across the country have been severely affected following the widespread cancellation of flights.

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