NRS offers dividend after challenging Q4

Today integrated fish farmer Norway Royal Salmon (NRS) reports an operational EBIT of €9.8m for the fourth quarter 2017 and EBIT per kg of €1.6. 

‘In the quarter, the fish disease ISA was detected at three NRS’ sites in an operational area in Region North. The extraction of fish from these sites started immediately after the detection, and this has had a significant impact on the result for the quarter’, CEO Charles Høstlund said.

The board proposes a dividend of NOK 5.20 per share for 2017.

NRS harvested its second highest volume in a quarter of 9 052 tonnes gutted weight, which is 93 per cent higher than in the same quarter last year.

Estimated harvest volume is 42 500 tonnes for 2018, an increase of 33 per cent from 2017. The sales business sold 22 471 tonnes salmon during the quarter, an increase of 27 per cent from the corresponding quarter last year. This is the highest sold volume for a quarter in the history of NRS.

‘NRS has a strong focus on growth and utilization of our production capacity and the biomass in the sea is 26 per cent higher compared to the end of the same quarter last year’, Høstlund said.

NRS owns 35 fish farming licenses and is a minority shareholder in three associated Norwegian fish farming companies which together own ten fish farming licenses, as well as Arctic Fish on Iceland.

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